New times for Berkshire buses
First Beeline buses has announced network changes for its services in Berkshire. The changes, which are part of a twice-yearly network review, come into force on Sunday 6 October.
Changes include an increase in peak frequency on the popular Number 8 route from Slough to Heathrow, as well as the addition of an early morning journey at 5.36am on Mon-Fri to help workers on early shifts.
The upcoming network changes have been designed to improve punctuality on the bus network, helping passengers' journeys and keeping Berkshire moving. They also take into account customer and driver feedback, making the most of local knowledge and expertise, to provide the most efficient bus services in Berkshire.
First Beeline changes:
- Route 3 – Timetables revised to improve punctuality. First journey from both termini on weekdays will now be six mins earlier.
- Route 6 – Timetables revised to improve punctuality. New earlier and later journeys on Saturdays and Sundays.
- Route 7 – Timetables revised to improve punctuality. A consistent 20 min frequency will now continue until approx. 6pm on weekdays. The 4.20am journey from Britwell has been withdrawn due to low usage.
- Route 8 – Timetables revised to improve punctuality. Peak frequency has been restored to half hourly. New Mon-Fri early AM journey from Slough at 5.36am. First journey from both termini on weekdays will now be 7 mins earlier.
- Route X74 – Timetables revised to improve punctuality. Frequency reduced to every 35-40 mins Monday to Friday and every 65-70 minutes on Saturdays to give buses sufficient time to complete their journeys. An hourly frequency will continue on Sundays.
Full timetable details will be available on the website Berkshire & The Thames Valley | First Bus, and passengers are advised to check details before travelling ahead of the new services coming into effect.
James Eustace, Commercial Director for First Beeline, said: “We’re continuing to invest in improving bus services in Berkshire. These changes have been carefully designed using the latest network planning software, local feedback and input from our drivers to bring improved timetables and focus on areas of demand.”